Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No Pain No Gain

Today could have been worse. This morning started out as just a normal day, but things started to turn for the worse. I started by heading to RQH-MY to scan for any deep-space signatures. Before I even got there several of my fellow employees that were already in RQH-MY were reporting a possible hostile in the system. Seeing as I was only in my Helios, I cloaked and waited by the gate until the coast was clear. Once it was clear I jumped into the system and headed strait for our outpost there. I then ran right towards the Ship Maintenance Array so that I could grab a more combat worthy vessel to help my employees tackle this hostile.

The night turned into more of a hunt than protecting our system. Shortly after scaring the possible hostile away, an unknown pilot came into the system with us and we chased after it. The target was in some battlecruiser class vessel. But after chasing it though at least five different system and failing each time, we finally gave up. Where we headed back to RQH-MY and most of us camped in our own ships that night at our outpost. I however continued on.

I got back in my Helios and started scanning for any deep-space signatures, but none were to be found. Shortly after I finished my scans of RQH-MY, my old friend Tivorian came over the com system and he said that the Federation Navy has reported several Serpentis ship blocking a gate in Osmeden. Eager for the fight, I hurry back to Alparena and figure its about time I test out my new Ishkur. So I order the last few parts that I need to finish it, and head over to Osmeden to take on the Serpentis fleet guarding the gate. I join Tivorian and LedDriver in their Thorax and Raven, respectively. Once in combat with the Serpentis though, they couldn't even scratch my shields with their slow tracking guns. With Tivorian and LedDriver pounding on them while I keep their turrets busy going in circles, we quickly turn their fleet into just a pile of debris.

After we defeat the Serpentis, the Federation Navy contacts Tivorian again and tells him of a hidden Sansha Outpost in Adacyne. So we hurry over there and get ready to engage whatever forces they have guarding the station. Just as I drop out of warp I see a couple battleships, several cruisers and a few frigs. I immediately receive fire from all of their forces. I quickly watch as my shields fall, followed by my armor. I frenzy to initiate the repair system and as I see they are of no use, I find the nearest signal in the system and just hit warp. I appear next to a planet, and quckly check over damage reports, to find my ship barely still in tact. I let my repair system patch up any holes in my armor, while I wait for my shield emitters to recharge. Once my armor is patched up and my shields are good to go, I lock back on Tivorians signature and warp back into the frey to help my friend, as he and LedDriver should be under fire now. Luckily those two are fairing much better than I was. Once back into combat I go and help take out what remains of the Sansha fleet. And within no time their outpost is destroyed along with the fleet they had to protect it. Once everything was destroyed I headed back to Osmeden for the night, while Tivorian and LedDriver stayed a bit longer to clean up the debris that was left behind. Hoping they might find something worthwhile in there.

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