Monday, March 12, 2007

A New Ship

Today was rather boring. I first hear over my com system, an old friend of mine from when I first got into my first pod, Tivorian. He was planning on mining one of the hidden belts I had found a few days back. He asks me if I could help protect his Retriever while he mines the Gniess that is spread all around. I then hop into my Caracal and head out to Arderonne to protect him from any Serpentis attacks, or any of those rogue drones that like to find themselves in these uncharted asteroid belts.

Once I get to Arderonne, I warp to the cordinates that I had saved a few days prior, to find nothing but pebbles floating around. Someone else had come along and mined all of the Gniess that I had found. Luckly I remembered the belt in Mantenault. So I rushed over to Mantenault to double check that it hasn't been cleaned out, and low and behold it's still there! So I inform Tivorian that there's still a belt to be minded and he runs and grabs his Retriever again to mine the other belt we have found.

After guarding his ship for a few hours, nothing has yet to come after us. I sit here, just waiting hoping that something will notice us and come by, but yet nothing seems to care. But I sit around until Tivorian feels he has mined enough of the Gniess. Luckly the Gniess has a decent portion of Zydrine in it, which is a highly rare mineral. So at least Tivorian will make a nice amount of isk off what we were able to bring in today.

After Tivorian docks back in Alparena and gets a room for the night, I continue on into the hours. LedDriver, then comes on the com system and tells me that I have just a day left on my request for a Ishkur class assault ship. So now I'm on a rush to get all the required materails to the station in Osmeden where it is to be manufactured. I grab my Catalyst destroyer and set my course to Tourier, where I keep all of my advanced construction materials. Once I get there, I notice I don't quite have everything I need and so I have to buy some of the materials. Strangely I expected to see several Privateers along my way back into the heart of empire space, but none were to be found except one in Villore, who appeared to be docked at the time. Once I do manage to round up all the materials I need, I set course back to Alparena. My return wasn't as friendly as my way up there. Once I hit Mesybier I ran into four Privateers. All in various class ships I recall seeing at least one interceptor and two battleships. Their specific ship types were of ill importance to me, as I was just worried about getting the materials and my pod to Osmeden in one piece. So I just hit the warp button as fast as I could and wished for the best. Either the Privateers did not notice my ship or did not care about my little destroyer. Either way I was luckly, as I was able to get all the materials I needed to construct the Ishkur to Osmeden safely. Once I had got my new ship back to the Federal Naval Academy station in Alparena , I too requested a room for the night.

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