Thursday, March 29, 2007

Diplomacy Wars

Today the war begins. I do not mean direct conflict between two ententes, but for all of EVE in general. It has long been known that Dusk and Dawn and Band of Brothers have been at odds with each other for quite some time, and that over the past several months corporations and alliances have been choosing their sides.

Today, The United Confederation of Corporations has contacted Alpa Faction and informed us that they will be changing their allegiance with the north. I have quite suspected The United Confederation of Corporations to be an ally of Band of Brothers, but until late I had no confirmation of it. The UCC has also shown recently that it in support of the eradication of Dusk and Dawn. Cash Money Brothers and OXIDE are both clear supporters of the alliance, and is by far wants to see the end of Band of Brothers, and for all they stand for. So until now, the major conflict of the universe has yet to affect Cash Money Brothers. I can only hope for the best, but I can only see pain and suffering in the near future.

Here is what I foresee happening in the months to come: The United Confederation of Corporations will be setting up blockades for all northern alliances around the Placid region. They will mainly be blocking access of northern fleets into Fountain, and attacking northern alliances in and around the Pure Blind region. Mercenary Coalition has already been hired by Band of Brothers and there are accounts of them roaming around in Pure Blind. Lotka Volterra, another supporter of Band of Brothers will be containing the south. They will be helping keep BoB's southern assets secure. Firmus Ixion, and several of the other smaller BoB supporters will help Lotka Volterra control the south. As for BoB themselves, they will be coming up through the newer regions, most of which have no official names, that reside in the 'east', while UCC and a few others protect the 'western' side. Dusk and Dawn will be attacking on both the 'west', and also coming strait down through empire to the 'south', to try and pinch BoB's main region known as Fountain. Any corporations or alliances that reside along the 'eastern' front will be hit hard from BoB attackers. I don't see anything but destruction for any such pilots. Unfortunately OXIDE resides at the very tip of the newer systems, just before you can enter the traditional 'north.' OXIDE will be hit just as hard as Dusk and Dawn, as it will be expected of us to help keep the entrance secure from the BoB fleets.

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