Thursday, March 29, 2007

Diplomacy Wars

Today the war begins. I do not mean direct conflict between two ententes, but for all of EVE in general. It has long been known that Dusk and Dawn and Band of Brothers have been at odds with each other for quite some time, and that over the past several months corporations and alliances have been choosing their sides.

Today, The United Confederation of Corporations has contacted Alpa Faction and informed us that they will be changing their allegiance with the north. I have quite suspected The United Confederation of Corporations to be an ally of Band of Brothers, but until late I had no confirmation of it. The UCC has also shown recently that it in support of the eradication of Dusk and Dawn. Cash Money Brothers and OXIDE are both clear supporters of the alliance, and is by far wants to see the end of Band of Brothers, and for all they stand for. So until now, the major conflict of the universe has yet to affect Cash Money Brothers. I can only hope for the best, but I can only see pain and suffering in the near future.

Here is what I foresee happening in the months to come: The United Confederation of Corporations will be setting up blockades for all northern alliances around the Placid region. They will mainly be blocking access of northern fleets into Fountain, and attacking northern alliances in and around the Pure Blind region. Mercenary Coalition has already been hired by Band of Brothers and there are accounts of them roaming around in Pure Blind. Lotka Volterra, another supporter of Band of Brothers will be containing the south. They will be helping keep BoB's southern assets secure. Firmus Ixion, and several of the other smaller BoB supporters will help Lotka Volterra control the south. As for BoB themselves, they will be coming up through the newer regions, most of which have no official names, that reside in the 'east', while UCC and a few others protect the 'western' side. Dusk and Dawn will be attacking on both the 'west', and also coming strait down through empire to the 'south', to try and pinch BoB's main region known as Fountain. Any corporations or alliances that reside along the 'eastern' front will be hit hard from BoB attackers. I don't see anything but destruction for any such pilots. Unfortunately OXIDE resides at the very tip of the newer systems, just before you can enter the traditional 'north.' OXIDE will be hit just as hard as Dusk and Dawn, as it will be expected of us to help keep the entrance secure from the BoB fleets.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Live and Learn

Yesterday started out as just a usual day. I started by taking my Ishkur to Mercomesier and then hopping in my Mackinaw to start a day of mining. With every piece of ice I mine, I get that much closer to buying the mighty Caldari dreadnought, the Phoenix.

Shortly after I started mining, I saw Sara Ragar join Mr. Hangover in her new Scimitar. The Scimitar isn't much of a combat vessel, but it is highly prized in fleet operations as it is a support based ship. It carries very little in the way of weapons, but defense capabilities it grants to fellow ships by far makes up for its lack of attack power. Mr. Hangover was guarding us in his prized Drake. It's a Caldari Battlecruiser with a force to be reckoned with. With an armament of 7 missile launchers, its quite a deadly ship. And with Sara Ragar there to help him absorb damage, we probably had a near invincible show of force. Or at least thats what we wanted to think.

After a few hours of harvesting the ice, two very ruthless pirates showed up. One was in the Dominix class battleship and the other was in a heavy assault cruiser called the Cerberus. At the first site of these two pirates, we headed to our outpost in a hurry, in a hopes that they would get bored and leave Mercomesier for another system.

The rest of my corporation at this time decided to see if we couldn't just remove them ourselves. Because my only combat worthy vessel nearby was the Ishkur, I decided to op out of this little operation. Sgt. Huey, LedDriver, Tivorian, Mr. Hangover and Sara Ragar all got in their nearest combat ships and headed into the fray. I believe Sgt. Huey was in a Raven battleship, LedDriver was in the Caracal, Tivorian the Celestis, and Sara Ragar was in her Scimitar. I don't know what happened afterwards, as all I information I could gather was over the corporation's com channel. All I remember is that near the end of the operation there was a panic as everyone was trying to get away from the Reschard gate because the two pirates had them pinned down there. And shortly afterwards Tivorian calling out that it was a bad plan on his part. But as they always say, "Live and learn."

After losing that little fight, it seemed like hours before the pirates decided to leave. Which was just moments before we thought about brining in a Cynosural Field Generator to hopefully scare them away. The idea was to pop up a cynosural field in hopes that they would think that we were bringing in a capital class ship to eliminate them, but as I said they left just moments before we could pull the plan into action, so the cynosural field was not needed. After they left I went back to mining with Sgt. Huey for a few more hours then then traveled back to our outpost to call it a night.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Stuggle Between the Alliances.

The United Confederation of Corporations, or UCC for short. Has been living next to use for some time now. They have become apart of Alpa Faction, mined the ice in Mercomesier, and helped keep the area clear of pirates. They have been quite an asset to the operations near Alparena in the past few months. But all good things must come to an end, as they say.

Today I received on a private channel, information from a friend of mine, that UCC was going to be leaving the area come Monday. This wasn't all of the news either. I was also told that OXIDE has been declared hostile to UCC. Now as Cash Money Brothers is part of OXIDE, this is very bad news. Luckily I did find out that UCC will be keeping Alpa Faction on friendly terms, including Cash Money Brothers, even though we are part of OXIDE. While I had the channel open, I asked in return where UCC was going to be moving to, and their policy on Band of Brothers (BoB). I found out that they are going to be moving just south west of Alparena into what is known as Outer Ring. Outer Ring is a region just north of a BoB province and is under the sovereignty of a old Gallente corporation known as ORE. I also found out that UCC is a supporter of BoB. I wasn't too pleased to hear this, as I used to be a member of the Fountain Alliance which was decimated by BoB, The Five, and a few other rogue corporations, acting as puppets for the two. Fountain is the main province of BoB at the current moment and is the region just south of Outer Ring.

After receiving the daunting news from UCC, I did my usual scan route from Alparena to RQH-MY. I only ended up finding some old ruins in a system called Y2-6EA. Nothing much of value was there except a few fried circuit boards and stripped wiring. I might be able to make something out of those pieces later, but at the moment they aren't doing anything but taking up precious cargo space in my little Helios of mine.

After finding the ruins in Y2-6EA I then headed back to Mercomesier to see if I couldn't get any mining done. I dropped my Helios off at our tower in Mercomesier and picked up my Mackinaw and headed out to the ice belt to join StCol Huey, Ragnor Wolverine, and Kieriante who were already out harvesting the giant ice asteroids. After a few run-ins with Serpentis and a few rogue pirates showing up, I was able to collect enough ice to get me another 50 million isk. It's not much but for the time spent mining I can't really complain. Hopefully I can spend more time tomorrow in the belt pounding away at the ice. Now to head back to Alparena and get a room for the night.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No Pain No Gain

Today could have been worse. This morning started out as just a normal day, but things started to turn for the worse. I started by heading to RQH-MY to scan for any deep-space signatures. Before I even got there several of my fellow employees that were already in RQH-MY were reporting a possible hostile in the system. Seeing as I was only in my Helios, I cloaked and waited by the gate until the coast was clear. Once it was clear I jumped into the system and headed strait for our outpost there. I then ran right towards the Ship Maintenance Array so that I could grab a more combat worthy vessel to help my employees tackle this hostile.

The night turned into more of a hunt than protecting our system. Shortly after scaring the possible hostile away, an unknown pilot came into the system with us and we chased after it. The target was in some battlecruiser class vessel. But after chasing it though at least five different system and failing each time, we finally gave up. Where we headed back to RQH-MY and most of us camped in our own ships that night at our outpost. I however continued on.

I got back in my Helios and started scanning for any deep-space signatures, but none were to be found. Shortly after I finished my scans of RQH-MY, my old friend Tivorian came over the com system and he said that the Federation Navy has reported several Serpentis ship blocking a gate in Osmeden. Eager for the fight, I hurry back to Alparena and figure its about time I test out my new Ishkur. So I order the last few parts that I need to finish it, and head over to Osmeden to take on the Serpentis fleet guarding the gate. I join Tivorian and LedDriver in their Thorax and Raven, respectively. Once in combat with the Serpentis though, they couldn't even scratch my shields with their slow tracking guns. With Tivorian and LedDriver pounding on them while I keep their turrets busy going in circles, we quickly turn their fleet into just a pile of debris.

After we defeat the Serpentis, the Federation Navy contacts Tivorian again and tells him of a hidden Sansha Outpost in Adacyne. So we hurry over there and get ready to engage whatever forces they have guarding the station. Just as I drop out of warp I see a couple battleships, several cruisers and a few frigs. I immediately receive fire from all of their forces. I quickly watch as my shields fall, followed by my armor. I frenzy to initiate the repair system and as I see they are of no use, I find the nearest signal in the system and just hit warp. I appear next to a planet, and quckly check over damage reports, to find my ship barely still in tact. I let my repair system patch up any holes in my armor, while I wait for my shield emitters to recharge. Once my armor is patched up and my shields are good to go, I lock back on Tivorians signature and warp back into the frey to help my friend, as he and LedDriver should be under fire now. Luckily those two are fairing much better than I was. Once back into combat I go and help take out what remains of the Sansha fleet. And within no time their outpost is destroyed along with the fleet they had to protect it. Once everything was destroyed I headed back to Osmeden for the night, while Tivorian and LedDriver stayed a bit longer to clean up the debris that was left behind. Hoping they might find something worthwhile in there.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A New Ship

Today was rather boring. I first hear over my com system, an old friend of mine from when I first got into my first pod, Tivorian. He was planning on mining one of the hidden belts I had found a few days back. He asks me if I could help protect his Retriever while he mines the Gniess that is spread all around. I then hop into my Caracal and head out to Arderonne to protect him from any Serpentis attacks, or any of those rogue drones that like to find themselves in these uncharted asteroid belts.

Once I get to Arderonne, I warp to the cordinates that I had saved a few days prior, to find nothing but pebbles floating around. Someone else had come along and mined all of the Gniess that I had found. Luckly I remembered the belt in Mantenault. So I rushed over to Mantenault to double check that it hasn't been cleaned out, and low and behold it's still there! So I inform Tivorian that there's still a belt to be minded and he runs and grabs his Retriever again to mine the other belt we have found.

After guarding his ship for a few hours, nothing has yet to come after us. I sit here, just waiting hoping that something will notice us and come by, but yet nothing seems to care. But I sit around until Tivorian feels he has mined enough of the Gniess. Luckly the Gniess has a decent portion of Zydrine in it, which is a highly rare mineral. So at least Tivorian will make a nice amount of isk off what we were able to bring in today.

After Tivorian docks back in Alparena and gets a room for the night, I continue on into the hours. LedDriver, then comes on the com system and tells me that I have just a day left on my request for a Ishkur class assault ship. So now I'm on a rush to get all the required materails to the station in Osmeden where it is to be manufactured. I grab my Catalyst destroyer and set my course to Tourier, where I keep all of my advanced construction materials. Once I get there, I notice I don't quite have everything I need and so I have to buy some of the materials. Strangely I expected to see several Privateers along my way back into the heart of empire space, but none were to be found except one in Villore, who appeared to be docked at the time. Once I do manage to round up all the materials I need, I set course back to Alparena. My return wasn't as friendly as my way up there. Once I hit Mesybier I ran into four Privateers. All in various class ships I recall seeing at least one interceptor and two battleships. Their specific ship types were of ill importance to me, as I was just worried about getting the materials and my pod to Osmeden in one piece. So I just hit the warp button as fast as I could and wished for the best. Either the Privateers did not notice my ship or did not care about my little destroyer. Either way I was luckly, as I was able to get all the materials I needed to construct the Ishkur to Osmeden safely. Once I had got my new ship back to the Federal Naval Academy station in Alparena , I too requested a room for the night.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Today was interesting. I finally managed to get around to learning how to use a cloaking device and the highly specialized Covert Operation ships. As soon as I was trained on how to use these unique ships I quickly ordered myself a bran new Helios. The ship wasn't cheap, but it wasn't that expensive either. It only cost me a little over 10 million isk. I haven't quite fully mastered the specialized cloaking devices designed just for these ships yet, but I have heard they cost quite a bit. Around 80 to 90 million isk each! As soon as I had my new ship I started buying equipment for it left and right. I immediately ordered a Scan Probe Launcher I, a Prototype Cloaking Device I, and various other electronic equipment to outfit it. Once I had it outfitted I noticed several members of my corporation were mining over in Mercomesier. So I rushed over there in my Caracal to help protect him from the Serpentis patrols while he mined away at the ice field. He had been asked to mine at at least 400 million isks worth of ice.

I believe our CEO, Marcus Anthonius, was going to order another dreadnought, the mighty Moros. By the middle of this year I should be piloting a Phoenix myself, but the amount of training I have yet to do is ridiculous. I barely know how to maneuver the mighty capital ships, let lone how to control the Caldari Dreadnought.

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. A few hours after joining my fellow employee in ice mining, several other employee's started showing up. Once I was free to go, I ran back to Alparena and got my new Helios and headed back to Mercomeiser to start scanning the system for any deep space treasures. I couldn't pick up any reliable signal in Mercomeiser, so I headed next door to Athounon. I started searching or any trace of a signal there and nothing. I wasn't about to give up yet though. I then started making my way towards the uncontrolled region of Pure Blind. Making may way up there I started scanning every system on the way. Reschard, nothing.

Then I get to Arderonne, and I find a signature, which seems similar to the signature the Caldari ships give off. Now it's rather known that the Caldari seem to have a signature similar to that of asteroids. So chances are I've found a deep space asteroid belt. Which can mean only one thing, ISK! I eventually manage to track down the signature and I have it pinpointed down to the meter. I warp in and low and behold there is Gneiss everywhere! Just taking a guess that there is probably a good 30 million isk if not more in these asteroids. I make sure to enter the coordinates into my ships computer, so that I may come back later, and then I head off to the next system to see if anything is there.

Next I come into Alamel, and I launch a probe to start searching for any deep space signature that I can. I find something, but I can't make out what signature it is. It doesn't seem to match any of the signatures known to the empires. But no worries, the equipment I have on-board will work just as well. Before I was able to pinpoint the location of this signature I was warned by some locals that some Privateers were on their way to the system. So I immediately turn on my cloaking device and hide until the Privateer Alliance leaves the system. I then start scanning every reach of the solar system and bingo I find and I'm able to pinpoint the location in no time. I warp to the location on my scanners and I find an old ancient acceleration gate, with signs of Serpentis activity all around. As before I make sure to log the coordinates into my computer.

So onto the next system, Mantenault. I notice that the hidden belt and the ancient gate I found last week are still intact, so I move into Pure Blind and the system RQH-MY. Just as I enter RQH-MY a friend, and fellow employee of mine comes on the com system and asks if we could go ahead and destroy the Serpentis at the ancient gate in Mantenault. So I quickly turn around and on my way out I see that the United Collation of Corporations is guarding the gate back into Placid and into Mantenault. Luckily they are friends of ours, but I see that they are out to destroy someone here. Most likely the Freelancers Alliance who has been known to travel around the area, and who isn't on the best of terms with UCC.

I then speed my way back to Alparena to pick up my Eagle so that LedDriver and myself can take out the Serpentis hideout in Mantenault. Once we both get back to Mantenault, we warp into their hideout and start destroying their squad. My Eagle and LedDriver's Raven are no match for the Serpentis frigates, cruisers, and battleships. Once we got to their battlestation and destroyed the Serpentis captian there, we found a log reporting another hidout. This time they were in Chardalane. This time I went alone while LedDriver and Marcus cleaned up the debris we left behind in Manenault. There was hardly anything at the location here, just a few Battlecruisers and frigates, and another log showing the location of yet another hideout in Mercomeiser. So Marcus, LedDriver and myself all rush over to Mercomeiser to ambush the Serpentis there to find a medium sided support fleet waiting for us, of just 18 ships of various frigs, destroyers, cruiser, battlecruisers, and a few battleships. With my Eagle, LedDriver's Raven, and Marcus' Megathron, their fleet wasn't much of a match. Once their commander was destroyed we did get a message but communication channels were rather fuzzy and we couldn't get any details on it. It might have been another incomming log on yet another hideout, but we couldn't make out anything, as we were also worried about taking out the rest of the Serpentis fleet here.

Rather disappointed I head to Alamel where I found that first ancient gate and take everything on alone with just me Eagle. I find out that there's only a few Serpentis frigates and cruisers here. Nothing of any value. I'm guessing another pilot had probably already came by and destroyed most of what was here already. So I took my Eagle back to Alparena where docked at the Federal Navy Academy station there and requested a room for the night.